Reflective Study diary

‘Main achievements’

I think some of my main achievements in the research process was picking up on research which was generally hard to find and using a wide variety of sources. In my eagerness to find relevant information I would even download sample PDF files of books and on a few occasions find answers to things I had been looking for.

‘Main setbacks’

One of my main setbacks was buying the DVD for The Conversation and finding it was faulty. This meant I couldn’t watch the audio commentaries of the director and editor which would have given me a lot more primary research. I overcame this however when I began looking on DVD review websites and even found a review discussing and quoting what the audio commentaries said. This proved to me that the research would have been extremely useful for me however I still got some information out of it.

‘Feelings about study’

I am not a student who is outstanding at long coursework projects, I am excellent when it comes to exams and I excel in a high pressure environment. This is why I found it hard to do this project and keep posting regularly it was not what I was accustomed to. During the last few weeks however my work started really developing and I developed a more time conscious attitude. The research became more structured and I found myself working without getting too distracted.

‘Lessons learned’

I have definitely learned that I must read the course manual from the start thoroughly and possible annotate it and re-write it in my own words. This way I learn it better and don’t have to keep checking back on it. I should also be more careful with my referencing and more diligent when it comes to keeping notes and storing information.

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